Skilling Program

Vocational education will be our cornerstone programme although it does not perform as well as academic education both in labour market outcomes and in the level of basic skills, including literacy and numeracy. This is especially true for higher education. We also believe that its only at upper secondary or post secondary level does vocational education perform slightly better than academic education in the probability of being currently employed as well as in the time spent in paid employment.

Vocational education and training are now becoming very important issues in Uganda and are highly valued by many young people. For instance, vocational education and training plays a vital role in reducing the rate of early school leaving from education and increasing the chances of employability among young people.

We do hope that vocational education and training will improve the opportunities of youths who lack the resources, skills or motivation to with higher education because it provides useful skills to prepare young people for labour market entry and improve their chances of a successful professional career.